Upcoming Events, Celebrations, Happenings and Opportunities (ECHO)
Virtual Learning Session: Standards-Based Grading in Mathematics: Grades that are Meaningful, Precise, and Accurate
Presenter: David Woodward, Founder and President, Forefront Education
Date and time: October 25, 7:00 – 8:00pm MDT
Description: Standards-based grading can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. Some call it Target Based grading. Others call it all kinds of things. The goal is honorable - increase the precision and accuracy of grades, improve communication with students and families, and promote positive student engagement with their own learning. How to do it is different in each and every circumstance.
Come join us for a conversation about grading, in particular "standards-based" grading. We will have some informal opinion polls, some idea gathering, some sharing of thoughts, and some breakout conversations. Consider this an opportunity to make some connections, hear some perspectives, and learn about what is going on in the world of grading reform and how folks are making it happen.
This professional learning session aligns to the following Colorado Educator Effectiveness Standards for Teachers:
QUALITY STANDARD III, ELEMENT B: Teachers use formal and informal methods to assess student learning, provide feedback, and use results to inform planning and instruction.
Additional Math Celebrations and Opportunities:
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is holding their annual national conference September 28 - October 1 in Los Angeles. Click HERE for more information.
Did you know that Colorado has a Listserve email distribution specifically designed for math educators? CoMath is a great way learn about math happenings throughout the state. Learn more HERE and sign up today!
PAEMST Nominations are now open. The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are one of the highest honors to highlight teachers from across the country. This year’s nominations are for teachers whose responsibilities are for students in Grades 7 - 12. Consider nominating an amazing teacher you know today! Learn more HERE.
CCTM members have access to our video archives and previous professional learning. If you aren’t already a member, consider joining and getting access to previous learning sessions from Dr. Robert Berry, Geoff Krall, Mary Pittman, and Joseph Bolz, just to name a few. Previous topics have included: number talks, student agency, mathematical modeling, unfinished learning, equitable mathematics instruction, and more.
Did you know that Colorado has its own peer-reviewed, open access journal published by CCTM? Click HERE to browse Colorado Mathematics Teacher.
Northern Colorado Math Circles will hold problem-solving sessions for teachers (all levels) and students (4th-9th grades) during the 2022-2023 academic year. Check out the WEBSITE for events and how to attend. The first event will be in-person on Saturday, November 5, at the University of Northern Colorado Campus in Greeley from 9 AM to 12:30 PM. Dr. James Tanton will be the facilitator.
Check out this LINK for information on the upcoming UNC Math Contest.
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